When you register for Unlisted, you provide certain personal information. When you perform with Unlisted, you provide additional information, often from your audience. We will never share any of this information with advertisers.
When you register, you'll be asked to provide an email address and indicate the region in which you live. The app also allows you to upload your own audio recordings. Information about how/when you use the app may be stored in server logs.
When performing, information about the "guest" device (including the phone number) is temporarily stored. This information is not permanently associated with your account.
Your email address is used to communicate with you about your account (for instance, password reset emails). Your region and other user settings are only used to facilitate the magic effect itself. Server logs are used to diagnose issues and identify ways the software can be improved. Phone numbers are used only to make the calls you trigger. Keep in mind that phone numbers and call audio will be sent to the third party phone API service Twilio and handled in accordance with their own privacy policy.
At any time you may request that we provide you with a copy of the information in your account. You can also request that we delete any or all of this information. Please send your requests to contact@unlistedtrick.com.
Please do not register for Unlisted unless you are at least 13 years old. Please do not perform Unlisted for anyone under 13 years of age (they're welcome to watch, though). Unlisted does not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under 13.